Tammy and the wonderful world of animated things!
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As an artist that likes generally "childish" or childlike things (although it is a bit off to just shove them into a "kid's only" corner) I love, love, love cute films. Here, I made a somewhat useless list of my favorites. Sadly, if I put any type of movies, I would run on forever, but soon I shall make a separate post on live action movies, hopefully.
First up is the first movie that comes to mind when people ask the age-old question, "What is your favorite Disney movie?"...
Tangled is a movie that I love ever so much! Perhaps it's because the movie was so beautifully put together, it's something better than HD and it kind of scares me. I probably like Rapunzel has been held back from all of her dreams, almost always the way I feel. It's one of the best depictions of abuse I've seen in a children's movie or perhaps any movie (given, I haven't seem that many movies). She's also extremely cute! With her floral braids and curious mind and freckles and, and- basically, I have a huge crush on her. I can also see her moments of anxiety, where the questions that are most present floating through your thoughts are along the lines of "am I good enough". That is one of the worst things that's present in my life. It also helps me get over the fact that I've been practically wasting my life (and I still am), but someday maybe I'll be able to embark on an adventure that changes my life for the better. Perhaps it won't be to see the floating lanterns, maybe I won't find love along the way, but it comforts me in a way I can't express to know that someday maybe I won't look back on yesterday and sigh "wow what an idiot", maybe I will look back and remember when I was a little person in a different enviroment.
Although I don't have that many reasons to love it, I still believe this is my current favorite animated movie!
Lady and the Tramp is my favorite Disney movie, if you're talking about the classics. Again, one of the reasons I love it so much is how breathtaking the art is. I absolutely love the beauty of a house and neighborhood set in 1909, then again, I literally like any type of "the past". I like everything from Rococo to the 90's to the future, I definitely do not live in the present. Anyways, being made in the 50's, the voice actors sound very vintage, another form of the "art" in the movie. Just another cheesy excuse, obviously, I don't really have a reason to love this movie other than it's my favorite one to watch when I get sad! It has a tone that's quite the pick-me-up, honestly. It's quite cute and fun. Also, Lady is very close to my dream dog breed, an English Toy Cocker Spaniel! Just a few words off, as even thought she is a Cocker Spaniel, they look quite different. I've droned on long enough making invisible excuses, so, shall I move on?
Spirited Away was actually my first Studio Ghibli movie! The first time I saw it, I wasn't old enough to comprehend movies. My mom chose it at the library, but I eventually got nightmares of a "chocolate monster". In my visions/dreams I saw the gross spirit as a sort of Jabba the Hut (except without as ugly a face) made out of cocoa. When I was older I rewatched it and it became one of my favorite movies immediately (more of the kind you never remember the names of, but they are so tied into your childhood memories it's sort of amazing. You see my point?) I would watch it at my aunt's house, who was famous, in my memories at least, for those sorts of movies you've seen a few times but every time you think of them you think of a certain place and feel all happy for no reason? Yeah. Enough with my jabbing, the concept is so great and sweet. I love the relationship between Lin/Rin and Chihiro. If you've seen the scene in Howl's Moving Castle that displays Howl's amazing bedroom, filled with magical knick knacks-- imagine that, but with a whole movie.
Lilo and Stitch is such a great movie. It sends some great feminist messages! It's one of the most accurate depictions of modern Hawaii, it showcases POC without problems, and it showcases so many different body types. It's one of my favorite plus size friendly movies, and it's Disney! The opening credits song, called, He Mele No Lilo, is one of the most heavenly songs I've ever heard! It's dreamy and heavenly. Lilo has obvious symptoms of mental illnesses that I can relate to, although I'd rather not pinpoint exactly what without proof and more look into it. Not to mention, for a rather unusual/forgotten movie, it has such great art! It also got it's own spin-off series, isn't that great? Now there's a million hours of Lilo's adventures with her alien pal, Stitch.
Paranorman is such a fun movie. Although it has it's sexist jokes (doesn't every movie? I'm starting to give up on society all together...) It has a... wait for it... Queer character! Yep, this company is quite the LGBTQ+ friendly one (if you count one character as representation, but I suppose we get what we get) Can you guess which one has a partner of the same gender, though? The football style, jock/frat boy esque one! It's quite a fun movie though, with it's great looking animation, plot twists, and concept. Norman sees ghosts: didn't expect it to be this good of a plot! Well, I don't have much to say on this movie because honestly I love it because of it's Halloween centered idea and gay representation, but in a nutshell, you should see it, although it may be on the end of the list. Don't forget to drop in and watch Coraline as well, although it is literally bone-shockingly terrifying for a kid's movie. It's not as offensive and women centered!
Obviously the ones I love are on a scroll that, if unrolled, rolls over several small hills, these are the movies I'm quite fond of. Don't trust anybody that says that these types of films are only for children (especially in homophobic context, but that is a fight for another day) I will never be tired of watching these, and they'll never run out of hidden details to notice...